0800 466 246
Mainland Finance prides itself on providing excellent customer service, but sometimes things can go wrong. We want to hear from you if you feel you have not been treated fairly or your queries or concerns dealt with appropriately.
Step 1
Not happy?
Something not quite, right?
Please raise your concerns with the staff member you have been dealing with.
If you feel your concerns have not been resolved, ask to speak with their manager.
In most cases we would expect to resolve your concern straight away.
Step 3
If we cannot agree…
If we are unable to reach a satisfactory outcome, we will provide you with a “letter of deadlock” so you can refer your complaint to a free and independent disputes resolution scheme.
Step 2
Problem not solved?
If you are not satisfied with our response in Step ONE, please complete our Complaints Form.
Provide as much detail as possible, including how and when to contact you.
We may communicate with you further to better understand what has or has not occurred that has caused the problem.
We will do our utmost to resolve your concerns and/or complaints.
Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman (IFSO )
Mainland Finance is a Participant of the Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme (IFSO Scheme).
The IFSO Scheme resolves complaints about insurance and financial services and is a free service for our customers.
If we have been unable to resolve your problem, contact the IFSO Scheme:
Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman
Freephone: 0800 888 202
Telephone: 04 499 7612
Email: info@ifso.nz
Post: Insurance & Financial Services Ombudsman Scheme
PO Box 10-845, Wellington 6143, New Zealand
Website: www.ifso.nz