Current Customer's
If you are ever in doubt give the team a call, they are happy to help

Bank Details
Mainland Finance Limited
First Name
Account number starts with ML or you can use your vehicle registration number

Vehicle Insurance
As per your Consumer Credit Contract you are obligated to have Comprehensive Vehicle Insurance at all times with Mainland Finance being listed as the financially interested party.
You can choose any Insurance company however you will need to ensure Mainland Finance have a copy of your current policy at all times
If you are unsure about the difference of Agreed and Market Value please click here to see this explained by Canstar

Payment Frequency

Account Statement
Account statement are sent every 3 months, if you would like your statement sent more frequently please contact us

Authority to Act
If you are unable to contact us directly or if you would like us to speak to some one else we are limited to what we can say or do without prior authority to ensure your private information is protected
In an emergency they may call us to notify us that you are unable to yourself
We will require an authority form to be completed to disclose any information
If another business requires information, we will request a privacy waiver from them in which you have signed
Under no circumstances are we able to provide any information to anyone in regards to your account or personal information under the privacy act without prior authority
If you no longer want someone to have authority on your account you must call us immediately to have it removed
If a person that has authority on your account becomes verbally abusive or we believe they are not acting in your best interests we may revoke authority

Financial Hardship
If you think you may be experiencing financial hardship please contact us today